Sunday, December 31, 2017

Cattle egrets gliding... in the last day of the year!

During the day cattle egrets disperse over a large territory, feeding over pastures and cultivated fields, following sheeps and cows. But when the sunset arrives, they roost together mostly on wetlands. Cattle egrets glide reaching the trees where they will spend the night close to each other. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Enjoy the silence

During the month of march the mountain has still a winter look rather than a spring one. Silence envelops the whole forest, birds are not singing yet, and few migratory birds arrive on the high ridges. Only the sound of trees moved by the wind breaks the silence of the beech wood. This is exactly the time of the year in which the Aspromonte mountain shows his wildest and impressive side. 



Monday, March 6, 2017

White Wintering Birds - Part 3

This third post on wintering white birds relies on one of my favourite waterbird species, the spoonbill. This species remains still scarce in Italy but a bit less than in the past. During winter and migration it is not rare to observe small flocks in the main wetlands of central Italy but mostly in small numbers. It's migration, together with its social interactions, makes this species particularly interested to be studied as it was showed by a few recent studies.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

White Wintering Birds - Part 2

The Little Egret is a very common bird in the Mediterranean wetlands and also the number of breeding pairs is increasing, fortunately. Nevertheless every time I watch one of this small herons hunting in a pond is amazing. A restless hunt with jerk movements shows great results with dozens of small fishes captured in a little time.

The Circeo National Park shows good feeding opportunities for herons despite the management of the area is weak. This Park was founded in 1934 and expanded in the '70s. However the effect of land reclaim of the early XX century and the growing number of human settlements isn't balanced by wildlife management actions. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

White Wintering Birds - Part 1

This is the first post of three dedicated to three white birds wintering here in central Italy. This winter has been short with a few very cold weeks. Ponds have frozen also along the coasts and this is not usual here. It has been fun watching black-headed gulls go ice skating on city ponds around Rome. On the other hand thousands of them went around cultivated fields looking for earthworms. When flying over fields, gulls were often drifted by the northern wind blowing continously during those days.